YOUR WITNESS|Charity & Meeting & Laatste Maal|Presents|MediaAlchemie|Experiment|Speakers|Colofon|TRvisualIdea|
De Wolfsdonken|Charity & Meeting & LaatsteMaal?|Presents|MediaAlchemie|Experiment|Speakers|Colofon|TRvisualIdea|
De Wolfsdonken|YOUR WITNESS |Presents|MediaAlchemie|Experiment|Speakers|Colofon|TRvisualIdea|
De Wolfsdonken|YOUR WITNESS |Charity & Meeting & LaatsteMaal?|MediaAlchemie|Experiment|Speakers|Colofon|TRvisualIdea|
De Wolfsdonken|YOUR WITNESS |Charity & Meeting & LaatsteMaal?|Presents|Experiment|Speakers|Colofon|TRvisualIdea|
De Wolfsdonken|YOUR WITNESS |Charity & Meeting & LaatsteMaal?|Presents|MediaAlchemie|Speakers|Colofon|TRvisualIdea|
De Wolfsdonken|YOUR WITNESS |Charity & Meeting & LaatsteMaal?|Presents|MediaAlchemie|Experiment|Colofon|TRvisualIdea|
De Wolfsdonken|YOUR WITNESS |Charity & Meeting & LaatsteMaal?|Presents|MediaAlchemie|Experiment|TRvisualIdea|
De Wolfsdonken|YOUR WITNESS |Charity & Meeting & LaatsteMaal?|Presents|MediaAlchemie|Experiment

logo project TUSS&RUIMTE

Multimedia project, initiated and
organized within the scope of the demolition
of the studiobuilding Nova Zembla & the
removal of the 28 artists to the centre of

... a farewell-event
exhibition De Wolfsdonken
performance YOUR WITNESS
Charity & Meeting & LaatsteMaal?
projects as Presents
presentation MediaAlchemie
students Experiment


De Wolfsdonken, naoorlogse industriële architectuur; exhibition, composed by the BAI (Bosch' Architectuur Initiatief) in 1998.
Because of the urban reorganisation of this area the industrial atmosphere of this part is exposed for the last time on this particular spot.
Colour pictures shown at the exhibition 'De Wolfsdonken, naoorlogse industriële architectuur' Black & white pictures shown at the exhibition 'De Wolfsdonken, naoorlogse industriële architectuur
Impressions of the area during the last 10 years. Impressions from the fifties; building up the area.
Brochure from the fifties. Plans for industrial buildings by Maaskant (architect)
After the Second World War people were invited to come to work and live in 's-Hertogenbosch. The Wolfsdonken was presented as the new industrial area were the economic development would be realised. In the eighties the area started to be less important for economic development.

Article Brabants Dagblad, April 2002

Every guest got a stamp on the hand Performance by Karin van Pinxteren
Invited guests are 'marked' with the stamp YOUR WITNESS
Every visitor is witnessing this special event.
Charity & Meeting & The Global Cooking Compagny preparing Het LaatsteMaal?
Charity; works for sale   Meeting   Assistants cutting and stirring the food Assistants cutting and stirring the food

Artist were invited to deliver a work for Charity. The works could be bought. Part of the proceeds were used for the removal by the foundation.
Participating artists: Leon Adriaans, Arjan van Arendonk, Frans Beerens, Jan de Bie, Mynke Buskens, Vincent McGourty, Manita Kieft, René Korten, Theo Kuijpers, Jan Moerbeek, Charles Popelier, Mieke van Schaijk, Ies Schute, Susanne Silvertant, JCJ vanderHeyden, Reinoud van Vught, Henk Wolvers.

  Guests or artists, was there a difference?   The kitchen

Dinner starts
Tasting the food
Dining in between artworks   Guests or artists, was there a difference?   Chef: Wessel Holleman
Detail of a laid table A laid table in a studio
  Another laid table
12 tabels were laid for 100 guests by the Global Cooking Compagny.

Article Brabants Dagblad, June 3rd 2002
presents presents presents presents presents presents presents presents presents presents presents presents presents pres
µtual µtilation was designed by Raoul Teulings in 1994, many people had passed through under this symbol ever since.   Bomenplan a plan for trees on a special spot in the new city area; meant as a present for the new inhabitants and as a reminder of the artists who worked here for 15 years (plandevelopment: E.Reis & A.Vanèn).

Motive were the chestnuttrees in the area, which had to make way for the citydevelopment in 2001.
Nova Zembla, Lederstraat 9-11, 5223 AW 's-Hertogenbosch The symbol on the building
The artist and the public
To avoid this symbol to be destroyed the artist was asked in 2002 to develop a version of this concept for the new studioaccomodation in the center.

Symbol and proposal were presented here.
The presentation of the proposal by Raoul Teulings
The Bomenplan exposed   The Bomenplan exposed and the present for the city; a book about trees
The chestnuttrees in the Wolfsdonken, september 2001   The Bomenplan presented

In october 2002 the presents for the city were handed over to the local minister of Culture.

Article Brabants Dagblad, October 20st 2002
Media Alchemie
Building up the installation for MediaAlchemie The 'alchemists': Bert Vogels and Bart van Dongen
Presentation MediaAlchemie Presentation MediaAlchemie
Artists of Nova Zembla delivered material on their private work.
The alchemists Bert Vogels, Leon Vogels and Bart van Dongen 'stirred' this material to the audiovisual presentation 'MediaAlchemie'.
A CdROM is developped at the moment. Contribution of Leidi Haaijer.

Article Stadsblad, May 29th 2002
Experiment artstudents working for 2 weeks in the building,
coached by Thom Puckey. According to the situation sofar, anything
could be done with the building.
The students
In the corridor Above the stairs Under the ceiling Attached to the building  
In the corridor In the toilet In the exhibition space Attached to the building  
From the building In the toilet On the roof On the roof  
Article Brabants Dagblad, June 19th 2002

speakers Alex de Vries
Tet van der Donk
Leidi Haaijer
Tet van der Donk presenting the program on 1st of june 2002.
Leidi Haaijer (organizer) speaks a word of welcome.
Alex de Vries explaining the advantages of having artists working in a city and
therefore the need for a wide range of studios in 's-Hertogenbosch.


Poster & invitation of the project TUSS&RUIMTE
A visitor trying out the design
Special glasses had to be used to experience the 3D-effect of
the design.
 Poster and logo developped by Fourpack Designers  

 Idea & realisation:



 Subsidy & support:



 Leidi Haaijer
 Franka vd Goor

 Leidi Haaijer

 Marcus Peters
 Leidi Haaijer

 Noord-Brabants Fonds voor Beeldend Kunstenaars
 Gemeente 's-Hertogenbosch
 Prins Bernard Cultuurfonds
 Mr. Paul de Gruyter Stichting
 Stichting De Overlevenden van Nova Zembla
 Vereniging Ateliers Nova Zembla
 Koninklijke Academie voor Kunst en Vormgeving
 Den Bosch
 Ontwikkelingsmij. Paleiskwartier BV

Show survey of realised projects