Toren van Babel The facade of the tower
The Tower of Babel from confusion to dialogue
  Article 'Stadsblad' 19 02 2003 (newspaper)
Article 'Brabants Dagblad' 24 02 2003 (newspaper)
Open clip on the project
  On February 21, 22 and 23 2003 a projection of 2200 slides has taken place on the building of Nova Zembla
in 's-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands
On the street one could experience the projection from 20.00 - 24.00 hrs.

Slides were taken by people in the neighbourhood on demand of the artists.

Different languages according to lifestyles and interests were put together by the projection; visual dialogue was generated, a colourful mix - the confusion of the Tower of Babel was deminished for a while.
Report >
A concept meant to be realised on different locations in specific situations
'every spot or situation covers its own image, its own Tower of Babel'
  Participants 1st edition 2nd edition
  Artemis, Atelier 14, BAI, Bakker v. Haren, H.Blok & L.v.Meel, Café de Poort, Café de Unie, G.Cornelissen, M.v.Dam, S.Einmahl,
De Fleurist, I.v.Gelder, M.v.Gerwen, A & L.Gil-Toresano, T.Goemans, F.v.d.Goor, J.de Groen, T.Gijsbers, M.v.d.Heuvel, W.Heijnen, J.v.d.Hoeven, Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis, M.Jansen, A.de Jongh & R.Alink, M.Koster, J.Kostermans, J.Krielaars, S.Kriele, Krispor, M.Leensen, R.v.d.Loo, E.Manders, Fam.Mensen, De Muzerije, T.Niessen, Openbare Bibliotheek 's-Hertogenbosch, Orangerie, J.Popelier, Productiehuis Brabant, J. & R.v.Rijsingen, M.Schoone, M.Schut, A.v.d.Tillaart, De Uitlok, M.Verrijt, J.& P.Vierhout,
H.Vissers, B.Vogels, I.Werner
  Concept & realisation
  Katelijne Arts, Tineke Goemans, Franka van de Goor, Leidi Haaijer, Bert Vogels, Puck Willaarts
  INTERESTED in having  The TOWER OF BABEL  practised in your town or
neighbourhood during some period to enlarge the communication in the environment ?
Please contact : Leidi Haaijer for more information or download the brochure
Download the pdf-file with information on the project
Franka van de Goor
Thanks to: the neighbourhood | City Council 's-Hertogenbosch | NBKS & KIZ| De Poort (pub)
 Preparations    Projectors 48 projectors 2200 slides Different lifestyles The construction for projection      
  First edition: Tower of Babel2003 St. Josephstraat 20 's-Hertogenbosch The Netherlands photography: Leidi Haaijer      
   Projections  Projection on one window An overview, detail of the facade Projection on the inside of the building People stopped to watch Projection
The 'blue' towers
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